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We leave imprints on His heart

As parents, throughout our childrens’ growing years, there are events and moments that took place that etched in our heart. Many years on, be it a moment that brings joy or sadness, we remembered.

Our Lord Jesus, as He was on earth as the Son of Man, He saw and experienced all that we went through as men.

He understood how it was like to be ridiculed, to be betrayed, to be in sorrow. To be in a situation where it was difficult and yet He, being limited in a way as a man, He was also fully God, and He did not sinned or made any mistake.

In His three and a half years of ministry, up to the time He was nailed at the cross, He was the perfect Man. He subject Himself fully to the Father’s will, even to death at the cross.

One time, the Lord showed me… a personal revelation, that each of us, we leave imprints on His heart. That at the cross, it was not the nails that held Him there.

If He willed, the Heavenly Armies can just come down and He did not have to go through the sufferings.

But…He thought of you and me. He thought of the people.

He remembered the ruler of the synagogue, Jairus and the widow of Nain, whose daughter and son died respectively. He saw their loss and felt their sorrow. And He raised them from the dead.

He remembered how the woman with the issue of blood, took great risk, going against the law at that time, pushing through the crowd, to touch Him. For she thought and believed, “If I touch Jesus, I will be healed.” And her faith receives the healing from Him.

He remembered how grieved He was when His good friend, Lazarus died. It was written that Jesus wept. He personally felt the loss and sorrow over the death of Lazarus, for He knew that it was not God’s will for men to eventually die.

He remembered how the people are like lost sheep without any shepherd. If only they were willing, He would gather them as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings.

He remembered how the Gentile woman showed her faith in Him. Despite being told that He only came for the Jews and not the Gentiles, she believed in Him, understood and persevered through to receive the healing for her daughter.

He remembered how little children would just run to Him and sat on His lap. They came to Him with such pure hearts and just loved to be around Him. He recalled their squeals of delight and laughter. Oh how he loves to be with them!

He remembered how it was when He saw the multitudes who were hungry. That He was moved with such compassion for them. That twice, He performed miracles to feed them.

He remembered how it was when love and forgiveness were received and understood. How Mary came with the alabaster of perfume to anoint Him before His death.

All these individuals that Jesus came into contact with; the sinners, the sick, the demon-possessed, the afflicted; they all need a Saviour.

They each left an imprint on His heart.

That on that cross, on that day, He remembered.

By being sin for us at the cross, and separated from God, it was something that we could not comprehend, it was excruciating for Jesus.

But these memories and moments, the faces of all the individuals, their joy, their cries, their pain, their griefs, and even the faces of you and me….it kept Him there.

As it was said again, truly it was not the nails that held him at the cross, but His great love for us.

Today, won't you just give thanks to Him. That He, as the Mighty God, the Creator of all things, allowed Himself to be moved by us. A God who is so personal in the way He loves us. He knows each and everyone of us by name. We are not not just a face in the billions of people on the face of the earth. It was written that He knits each of us in our mother’s womb. Before we came to be, He sees us, He sees you.

Psalms 139:13-16

For You formed my inward parts;

You covered me in my mother’s womb.

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

Marvelous are Your works,

And that my soul knows very well.

My frame was not hidden from You,

When I was made in secret,

And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.

Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.

And in Your book they all were written,

The days fashioned for me,

When as yet there were none of them.


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